Thursday 9 February 2012


Due to the weather conditions we wasn't able to film our final scene at the river as the lake was completely frozen and due to this the camera was too cold and wouldn't let us film on it.
As you can imagine this was unfortunate and we had to make do with the footage we had so far to create an ending that was still emotional with continuity. 

Jake our Singer singing the final bit of the chorus 

We wanted out final scene to be the 'pimp' to throw the body in the river and have a shot of him reflecting on the girl and then we would have flash backs of her life story and how she ended up in such a bad place. But as we couldn't film at the river we had to include some of the shots of Jake that we had to put more footage in to fill the time. 
The pimp putting the body in the boot.  
We then decided that the last scene would be the pimp putting the body in the boot of the car to show continuity along side the song. 
Car fading out into the distance 
After this, we decided to have the car fade out into the distance and then a flash back of the girl throughout the video. We thought that by just having the car fading out it would imply the death of the young girl without it being too explicit. 

Flash back shots 

Flash back shots

Flash back shots 

Flash back shots 
As there were not footage for the video up until the end of the song and there wasn't enough time to go out and film other shots of the girl throughout time, we was stuck using some of the footage that we already had. Although the ending is still quite effective it isn't ideal and would of been better if we either went to get the shots of the 'pimp' earlier or if we went and got more of the girl to show her life before this story. 

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