Tuesday 28 February 2012

Evaluation Question One: Comparison Between 'Old Pine' by Ben Howard and Our Music Video

'Old Pine' by Ben Howard, offical video.

Ben Howard is an artist from the same Indie genre as Ed Sheeran, therefore in this post I will be analysising how our music video has similar or challenging traits to the 'Old Pine' music video.

Once again the main similarity between both videos are the effects used as in the 'Old Pine' the blurred technique is used in some shots. Below are two images highlighting the similarity between the two different videos and how this technique formed certain atmospheres:

Here the effect was used to create a smooth transition into the next shot, also it emphasised the change in pace as in this shot the song changes from performance to instrumental.

Here we used the blurred technique as the lyrics say 'fade out tonight', therefore linking the lyrics with the shot. Also it created a distancing effect with the audience, portraying the Girl's sense of loneliness and helplessness. I believe that the blurred technique helped us have good continuity throughout our film as it flowed into the next shot quickly and discretely.

Throughout the 'Old Pine' music video effects were adding in terms of creating different lighting for instance red and green flashes are used to add more colour into the film, engaging the audience and forming a nature environment. We used this technique when the rapper is singing as it helped bring out the colours in the graffiti wall, this  creates a more interesting shot as from the flashes of colour it forms a more appealing shot.

Both videos create an intimate relationship between the audience and the artists due to the use of eye contact into the camera. This is represented in the images below:

During Ben Howard's music video the mid shot and long shot is mainly used in the performance scenes however the image above highlights how both films use a range of shots in order to keep their audience interested. By Ben Howard singing into the camera here with a close up shot it allows his fans to feel a stronger connection with him. 

Throughout our performance we have a variety of shots, such as side profile, close ups and mid shots, this keeps the audience intrigued since it gives them a different perspective of the artist. This image is a close up of the rapper, creating a more personal relationship with his fans which is also reinforced with him having eye contact with the audience. 

Both videos conformed to the conventions of costume in the Indie genre as the artists wore a naturalistic costume which consisted of basic trousers (jeans) and plain jacket as it is important to make the artists suit the look of being "relaxed".

The mise en scenes in the 'Old Pine' music video consisted of natural locations, linking with the lyrics and creating the narrative base of the film. Although our film used contrasting man-made locations it was appropriate for our video since they appeared in the lyrics. Therefore both music videos gained inspiration from their lyrics in order to make a realistic film, emphasising the importance of the lyrics in terms of narrative, mise en scene and props.
Although Ben Howard's video does not have instrumental props within his video we still believe that it was important to show Ed Sheeran playing the guitar in our film as his fans known him for his talent of both singing and playing. Since Ed Sheeran's music video the 'A Team' he has included more performance in his other films for instance 'You Need Me, I Don't Need You' emphasising how his fans have encouraged the amount of performance shown in certain shots. Therefore we have challenged the conventions of performance in our music video when comparing it to 'Old Pine' as we included guitar playing while Ben Howard only lip syncs throughout.

Due to both music videos having contrasting styles in terms of being urban or rural it shows how the Indie genre is adaptable to what the artist wants to portray. For example Ed Sheeran wanted to relate with the views of society while Ben Howard wanted to express the beauty of nature. Therefore although both artists want to represent different areas in their music/video it is important to mention that they both explore the world around them, conforming to the convention of relating to an audiences experience either in certain environments or situations.

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