I chose Ed Sheeran's Lego house music video to do my research on as it is one of my favourite songs from this artist and i find the video very interesting and unique.
Costume - The main character is dressed very casually throughout the video, jeans throughout with either a T-shirt or hoodie on with trainers, we see Ed Sheeran very briefly in the video but it shows that he is dressed similar to the main character as he is wearing a hoodie and jeans. This emphasises Ed Sheeran's laid back, casual look and attitude towards his work and music, it also goes along with the conventions of an indie music video very well.
Gestures – There is a very brief shot of the audience holding up there mobile phones to record Ed Sheeran on stage, this shows us how popular he is and the passion his fans have for him. This is again emphasised when the main character is holding a guitar and when he tries to mess up his hair to be as much like Ed Sheeran as possible.
Imagery - 'when your broken i will mend ya' as these lyrics are sung the main character seems to be putting a Lego helicopter back together which goes with the lyrics and title of the song. ‘I’m gonna paint you by numbers and colour you in' whilst these lyrics are played there is a long shot of the main character walking into the room with a painting in his hand, again taking the lyrics quite literally. Also the character moves out of the shot when the lyrics 'I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind' are sung.
Space from camera - The space from the camera varies throughout the video to keep the audience interested, as there is a wide variety of long shots to close up so therefore the space from the camera changes.
Voice-pitch and tone - The pace of the song is quite fast and upbeat so the length of shots are short to go with this nicely however sometimes it does slow down but the editing of the shots are effective enough to still flow with the music. The tone of this song is a love song but quite a happy love song as he doesn’t really talk about heartbreak during it he only talks about having a very nice strong love towards someone.
Facial Expressions - The main character starts of to be quite happy and content as he has a nice smile on his face at the beginning and he looks very relaxed, however during the music video he seems to be getting more agitated and angry and his facial expressions show this clearly as he nearer to the end he looks a lot more angry and a bit psychotic, highlighting that his unhealthy obsession with Ed Sheeran has took over him.
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