Rap and hip hop videos are known to be very materialistic showing expensive cars, clothes, seductive women etc. however Tupac takes a more real approach, his music videos are mainly set in working class areas, showing run down homes, casual clothing. Tupac as an artist wanted to try and tell the world how bad life for the working class in America is so he showed this in his videos.
A few examples of his videos:
The elements he uses in his videos:
- Casual clothing
- Working class areas
- Narrative
- Performance
- Hip Hop / Rap
This is an example of another artist who was also very popular at the time of Tupac and who was in the same genre of music, but portrays a very different style:
Notorious B.I.G - Hypnotize
The video above follows all the stereotypical conventions of a Hip Hop music video e.g. money, designer clothes, private yacht, women in bikinis, expensive cars etc. A very different style to Tupac Shakur.
50 cent - Down on me
This video was made recently so has a completely different style to the 'old school' videos however it contains the same conventions as the Notorious video.
How has your artist changed over time?
- Unfortunately as Tupac was murdered at the height of his career we didn't have a chance to see if he would change over time, but from the beginning of his music career to his death Tupac Shakur seemed to have the same image throughout.

- The film style of his videos varied depending on the message of his song, for example the song 'Brenda's got a baby' was filmed all in black and white to send out a serious message. The video shows shots of the story e.g. the girl and her baby, and shows shots of Tupac performing.
- I don't believe his film style changed greatly, most of them had a mix of performing shots and narrative shots.
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